Wednesday, March 26, 2014

EILTS in Erbil's Sun

So, I come to Erbil to receive my EILTS certificate, a certificate with marks that are not enough to join that training/working in the UK. A certificate with no clear benefit for me. I go back to the hotel. The hotel's name is MONTANA. Near the citadel. Erbil citadel. I think Montana is a city in Canada. With some Etymological root referring to the word "Mountain". A mountain. I go to sleep at about 11:00 am. Yesterday I didn't sleep well. I sleep deeply. I wake up gradually. I take my mobile phone and play "Taffic Racer". Raise up some money to buy a truck. Quit the game. Take on clothes. Go to have a lunch. Much red meat. Drink yogurt. Drink another yogurt. I cannot finish the meat and remember my friend Ammar who became a vegetarian in Germany. He came for a visit before days and brought me a present from Paris. A book of photos in black and white picturing the quotidian life of Paris. I stand up and go to wash my hands. I find a young woman washing her hands and mouth. I am a little surprised. In Baghdad there is a strict rule of separating men and women when washing hands and I don't know why. The separation, I think, started from the W. C. and then was generalized. She finishes washing. I go and wash my hands then I head to the square near the fountain to drink tea.    
The sun starts entering through the water. The sun washes its light beams in the waters. I drink tea. I remember the EILTS speaking part when I was asked about whether I like the sun or no. I said I do. Sun means happiness, brightness, and one feels lighter when the sun is shining. The next question was whether I would go for tourism in a sunny country and I answered that: as an Iraqi, I am saturated with sun. I would rather chose a country with thick clouds.

The sun stays washing in the waters and the numbness slowly fades. I chat a little with the one sitting next to me and we smile. We even giggle. I distribute my sights a little to the orange color of the oranges, another little to the sun washing in the water, another little to the citadel, and much others to the people walking around... Tomorrow I will head to Baghdad. 

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