Saturday, December 08, 2007

Woodie Allen and Orhan Pamuk

Books talking about death

In his film, ANNIE HALL, Woodie Allen acts the personality of an obsessive personality who loves to read books about death, and his philosophy about life is that life is divided into the horrible the miserable…
At the beginning of the film he and his girlfriend, Annie Hall, reached the cinema after the film had started before only 2 minutes, he became so upset and decided not to go into the cinema, because he cannot be not perfect, his girlfriend told him that they did not miss anything but the title and names of actors which are in Sweden, so she wanted to go into the cinema, but he can not, he said something like: " I cannot, I got to be very accurate, cause am anal" (by saying anal he refers to the Freudian term of anal personality which is now replaced in psychiatry by the term obsessional)…by that he reminded me of the novel am reading these days of Orhan Pamuk who seems very accurate in describing and seems obsessed with circumstantial long sentences of ongoing description, something shared by many new writers like Rachid Bou Jidra...

After 2 hours the entered the cinema to see the film from the beginning which was title "the sorrow and the pity" talking about death and again I remembered the book am reading of Orhan Pamuk" the new life"….

While Woodie Allen was in bed with his new girlfriend (another one) he suddenly jumped out of bed and start talking about a political conspiracy which was not clear and that remembered me again of "the new life" of Orhan Pamuk who talks about political conspiracies but doesn't make it clear….

Woody Allen likes films (like Othman the main character of Orhan Pamuk book "the new life") ….Woodie Allen said in the film: "acting is like visual poem" and if you read the new life of Pamuk you will see how many times the words (film, cinema, screen, TV, actors) repeat themselves in an obsessional way (on page at the beginning of chapter 6 of the book contain 9 repetition of the word (film) and some screen and cinema words also)…

One actor in Woodie Allens film tell his girlfriend: "do you know how I want to die?.....turned into pieces by wild animals" and that reminded me of Othman the major character or Pamuk book who want to die in a severe train accident…

In the film another man told Woodie Allen the he wants to die by a crush in car accident….and Woodie Allen answered him: If you finished talking I have to go to the planet of earth!!

When Woody Allen entered a party full of thinkers, writers, philosophists, and others, who were talking about theories, he went alone and opened the TV and start watching a rugby match, then a woman came to him surprised that he left all those people and came alone in that room to watch TV, he told her that because rugby is more physical and it is better than the mental masturbation her guests are doing, and mental masturbation is a term which means intellectual activity that serves no practical purpose usually as a run away from the fact of the body need of sex (and aggression) and then Woodie Allen pull the lady and ask her to do sex be cause it is physical…and that made me think (is Orhan Pamuk "the new life" is mental masturbation?)..

All the film was about being physical….Woodie Allen tell a joke in the film….saying that when he was at school taking an exam on metaphysics he was fired from school because he cheated by looking into the soul of the near by sitting student…..

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