Sunday, December 09, 2007

c'est la nuit

Am a friend to the night, to the moon, the moon is called in french (La Lune) La=the, lune=moon, and from that french word came the word (lunatic) which means crazy or mad (I hate both words, crazy and mad, cause we got to say mentally ill, and I always feel angry when my coleague asked me after work: how are the crazy people? I know he is jokeing, and he knows that I don't want him to use these words, but he like to annoy me a little, kind of friendship with little annoyment, anyway I like that colleague too much) so...let us go back...i like the night (I said) and I like the moon.....and am not so against the word lunatic, I pray that one day I can have that song again of cheb Khalid called C'est la nuit, I can remember some of its words, I heard it last time before 2003, maybe before that by years....anyway...I go walking at night in Damascus, I was not that happy, but I was calm, walking little slowly, feeling sequre, and watching where my feet will took me, anyway I was always trying to go not far from my hotel, so that when I get bored I can go back easily, so I was just around, till when I deside to go back to hotel.....

In my way going back to hotel, I saw this train, oh my god, this train I know it, my sister (whom i miss her too much and did not see her for the last year and some months) took a picture with this train somday in 2005 or 2006, in the morning, there was sunshine, the train was more clear, and she was as always smiling...

I stop walking, took a deep breath while I look into this train, he/she/it is retired, so he is now just a piece of...of history....there was a familly taking pictures with it, I let them go then I go near the train, I think he likes the night like me, I think he wants someone to take a picture for him, not with him, to let him feel that we are gratful for his history of hard working....
When I took my second picture for his face, he looked at me for a second, then stood up like a soldier, and raised his nose in a feel of proud that a silly young man like me is taking picture for him, not with him, I think he feels better now, am feeling better now too...I will go to hotel...bye...

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