Monday, October 01, 2007

He is a psychiatrist....huh...

I can not remember how old I was when I was watching T.V. egyptian series with an adult (my mother?) when a man, a well known artist, jumps at the top of a table infront of him and start screaming and pulling his hair by both hands. When I asked the adult about what is wrong, he told me with a smile: "he is a psychiatrist".
I still love Jack Nicolson's films inspite of the bad reputation it gave to electroconvulsive therapy in that well known film, what was it called? i think called somebody flew over the cocko nest, am sure it is something like that. That film made you percieve that electroconvulsive therapy is used to made sane people crazy, because the medical staff want that, due to some unclear causes, may be they hate people?. I've never saw a film that show how can elecroconvulsive therapy help some people.
Electroconvulsive therapy is effective in 75% of cases of depression. Especially used for the cases who resist drug treatment, or are suicidal and not willing to take drugs, and studies showed that 75 to 80% of all the patient recieved electroconvulsive therapy found it helpfull and they want to repeat it if it is needed.
Yeah it got side effects, like any other treatment in medecine, even placebo got side effects. It got no absolute contraindication. All the psychiatrists keep saying that, but...
During the last days I was trying to find about whether electroconvulsive therapy can cause more harm than it help, and almost all the articles which talk negatively about electroconvulsive therapy do that in an exagurated way and what is more important not one of them is wrote by a psychiatrist, many of them written by patients.
I was surprised to know that in California, in the US, elecroconvulsive therapy is banned, and I suspect I understand the case.
Anyway we got to remember how many people can harm themselves and there famillies if they don't recieve the proper treatment they need. You got to see the last female in 20s I saw when she was mute for 3 months and start lately not to eat nor drink anything and urinating and defecating on herself, while all the investigations and examinations were normal, after the 3rd session of electroconvulsive therapy I entered her room and there was a nice female voice talking while she was eating, it was her, clean and alive again, surrounded by her surprised happy familly many of them cried with tears from the happiness they felt...
Electroconvulsive therapy is a great treatment but I think we need to change its name so that it will not sound dangerous...
Here are pictures of a rally done by an antishock therapy group...there are many groups like this one...

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